Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Road to Hedonism

As the Ocean tapers at the shore,
I was standing there moaning,
being doomed by my chore.

Its yet another day, and I can't feel better,
I try to fight, but paralysed by my deter..
Is there no panacea for my agonies to alleviate ?
Why am I left alone and find no one to celebrate ?

The dichotomy of Good and Evil had captured me,
And I was a dolt to choose the right key..
Part of my conscience was thinking of malice,
When a mystique shadow led me to bliss ...
He showed me the way out of labyrinthine,
I could see my tarnished fortune with a new shine...

I am still standing at the place before,
but this time with an urge to stay more...
The sail that seemed to disappear in the dark night,
Now, I can see its silhouette with the dawn spreading light...

As the darkness has no relevance in the bright sunlight,
Sorrow takes the backseat, when the time is right... !!

I don't have time to whine and accuse,

Its been long since I wanted to go on recluse..
There comes a time for everyone to Smile,
So don't waste it in Remorse & Revile...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Worldy Blues

The world seems to be in rest,
But my heart always finds itself in a quest.
I try to sleep with popping questions to refrain,
& they say, why cannot I see a person without disdain ?

Noone is here to look for the others,
Then why shall I follow,
my conscience to see them as my brothers ?

They ask for help, the needy ones....
But who has the time, to look at them once ?

Thousands die of poverty & disease,
but who cares to scan them without fees ?

Friends can talk of mountains & hills,
but no one is seen while paying the bills..

For their leisure, they take you to fare,
and run away in your times of despair..

I think and think to look for a reason,
why there is none, other than treason..

Isn't it possible to have a concord !
For there is no music played in right chord..

Then, I close my eyes again ans see,
a world that is selfless & disparity free..

But, it was a Dream and a flaw,
For this world is ruled without law..

I say, can we bind together & have fraternity,
And the echo says- we have our own propensity..

Hatrd has over-ruled Love,
Now, world has obliviated the symbol of peace
- A Dove !!