Friday, July 25, 2008

Thanksgiving !

Seasons come and go
With time, I am too movin' on
But the urge and the need
Is like fodder to be fed

The secret hidden within
Gives me strength to live-in
But I am mistaken for the mortals
'Coz for you, all they seem to be open portals

I was nothing, when you gave me life
Having innocent soul, cut by no knife
I always surround myself in trouble
You rescued me out, swapped remorse with giggle

I know I am alive 'coz you are around
It is you to whom I am only bound
Thank you is not what I will revert
To keep you happy, I'll keep away all dirt

I'll not engage in what disappoints
I am your devotee, no less than saints
I found you around in all odds
You are my only faith 'O Lord' !

Friday, July 18, 2008

Life is what we choose !

The life sometimes becomes short for many things that we cannot do. And this is when we say, "this life is too short." But is it actually ?

Sometimes, time is relative to what we do and what you seek. If we do things we love to, we are too content & satisfied with what we get and what we already have.
Sometimes, we desire the most coveted and we thrive to get it. We look for more and yet no more. We end up living life grumpily with no excitement or enthusiasm but just to count the number of breath we are sent with.
Sometimes, we are so frustrated by everything that we do and hence we crib. Life looks like a lost battle and we being marooned in a deserted island. There is no better feeling than to end up our life.

And yet, there are those who fight. Don't let lose their spirit. No matter if they win or lose, they move on. This where the secret lies.

Life is but a course that we choose to make it interesting or boring. There is no another life as there is no another chance to a mistake. We are given one life that we know in our conscience. We don't know what we were in our previous life (except for few re-incarnated) or what we would be in the next life. If we keep moaning over things that change, feelings those ephemeral, we can never choose the right way to proceed. And hence, the secret of Soul Existence !

The happiness and satisfaction with life is hidden within us. Only thing we need is to discover ourselves. Stagnant at one point is enough to make a coat of rust. Life should move on, come what may. This life is our 'Own'. We may cross many who become part of our lives. But, these parts can never lay what our self-parts can.